Today I fancied a challenge! I never got my pancakes on pancake day so this was the next best thing.
The recipe suggested to start by making the sauce but I decided to start sautéing the leeks and shallots first. Instead of using half Greek yogurt and half sour cream I used all Greek yogurt, and I just chucked in all the parsley I had left to make it extra tasty and mixed it together in a small food processor. I chopped the red chilli, spices and sugar to a large mixing bowl and added the leeks and onions to.
I separated an egg white into a mixing bowl and used the balloon whisk on the food mixer to make soft peaks. Apparently I need a lot more mixture in my bowl to create any effect at all, therefore I ended up whisking it by hand which really hurt! This was mixed into the leek mixture.
Next I made the batter mixture with flour, baking powder, an egg, milk and melted butter. I ended up using the hand mixer as I still don't own a sieve and it was pretty lumpy. This was then added to the leeks and we were ready to fire up the pan!
I spooned in two dollops of the mixture at a time until it was golden brown on each side. In total there was enough mixture to make six large fritters. I made a small green salad to accompany the fritters and drizzled the sauce over it all.
It was very tasty, despite the sauce being seriously garlicky. It was a really fun dish to cook and its definitely increasing my cooking confidence!