Bread week this week. I enjoy having a go at bread. I chose to do garlic dough balls because I wasn't confident enough to do a whole loaf with gluten free flour. I figured smaller bakes would be less dense and dry in the middle.
Rather than following this recipe from Crumb completely, I sort of added a few things differently for a bit of experimentation. So to start with I melted some margarine in a pan and stirred in some garlic paste to make what tasted like a very strong garlicky mixture. In a separate bowl I weighed out plain gluten free flour, yeast, herbs and salt and poured in the garlic butter and some water. I used the mixture and dough hook to start mixing this into a dough. I think due to the density of the flour not all the liquid was being incorporated with the mixer so I got my hands dirty a little and kneaded the remaining liquid into a squishy dough. I covered this with cling film and a towel and left this to prove for an hour.
After an hour, I knocked the air out by hand and used a tablespoon measure to divide the doughs into small balls. I was running short on time so I just left these for 15 minutes for a second prove whilst the oven heated up.
These were baked for 12 minutes while I ran around clearing up and getting ready for the Bake Off party. When I came back the kitchen smelt amazingly garlicky and they were done! They did look rather anaemic but they were soft and squishy inside and tasted great.
They definitely tasted a lot better warm, as the gluten free-ness made then quite dry once they'd cooled down. Overall I was very pleased with how they turned out, especially for gluten free and not using proper bread flour.
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