Hi blog-face!! It's been again. I've been so bad at quick starchy meals lately. I just got back from a week in Italy and boy do I need to purge my body and eat vegetables again.
I've been using my newest cook book lately (insert name) which has tonnes of recipe trees to create salad and goodness bowls. This is an excellent idea and means you can work from the same page for multiple meals.
But tonight I tried something a little Caribbean. I miss the Caribbean!
To start I weighed out the quinoa, adding twice as much water and a stock cube and left it to summer for 15 minutes. Meanwhile the tin of black eye beans was put in a pan with some chilli powder and cinnamon and slowly boiled off the liquid. And in a larger pan, the leeks and mushrooms were sautéed.
Next I peeled and stoned the avocados and mashed them in a bowl with lime juice and chilli powder. Once the beans had reduced down I mashed these slightly in another bowl.
Finally the plantains were peeled and sliced and gently fried on either side. I've had plantains before and they were super sweet and soft, but mine just got harder. I added a little water and salt to the pan to soften and flavour it a bit. It mostly had the texture of potato than banana. Maybe I need to try this again for the sweeter flavour.
Dinner was assembled with the quinoa in the bottom, a spoonful of beans and leeks, topped with some plantains and finally the guac. It was quite tasty overall, and very different to anything I'd made before which was exciting. I realised it was 100% vegan also which was an added surprise.
But also, let me tack onto this post the flapjacks I made for the work bake sale the other week. Far beyond healthy I made double quantities, meaning there was 500g butter and 500g sugar in one large pan and I almost had a heart attack looking at it! I made an orange marmalade flapjack, so added some orange zest and juice to the mixture, and finally drizzled marmalade syrup all over the top for a beautifully sticky topping.
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